Jessie Bosley is a conceptual Creative and strategic Copywriter, who knows how to spell things out.
She helps brands understand who they are and what they need to say, all through a culturally relevant point of view. Her process is not about chasing trends. She gets to the heart of a brand and weaves together elements that make it come alive, thanks to creative strategy and a balance of left v. right brain finesse.
Her experience includes building brand tone, developing campaign concepts, and expressing a unique archetype, vibe, style or set of traits through language.
If you want to reach out, make contact, talk, shoot the shit, etc.— you’ll find her email below.
Personality & Tone Development
Taglines & Manifestos
Brand Book Writing
Messaging Frameworks
Concept & Campaign Development
Website & App Copy
Marketing & Social Copy
Packaging Copy
Brand, Product, & Service Naming